Artificial Intelligence

How do I find the right AI tool? 10 search engines will help!

Dear visitor!

The number of AI tools is growing exponentially as you know if you are following AI newsletters, AI newsblogs and articles, and AI-related posts on LinkedIn.

Which makes it hard to keep an overview and find a solution that could be better for your demands than standard-choice ChatGPT (although it is still one of the best). As a result there are now special search engines for AI software.

For this newsblog article I have collected ten AI search engines – And, as my focus is on human resource management, I tested the directories on the term “Human Resources” and put the numbers of the resulting AI HR tools in parentheses. Some tools offered a category on this term too, while others as you can see list just few ones.

So here is my list on 10 AI search engines in alphabetical order (number of HR tools):

AI Library: 2,150+ tools and colabs (1 HR)

AI Search: 13,088+ tools (23 HR)

AI Tool Directory: no numbers on tools (32 HR)

AI Tool Hunt: Best Free AI Tools (30 HR)

AI Tools Arena: no numbers on tools (6 HR)

AllthingsAI: no numbers on tools (25 HR)

Find My AI Tool: 1,500 tools (26 HR)

Futurepedia: 5,748 tools (12 HR)

There’s An AI For That: 12,757 tools (56 HR)

Toolify: 10,723 tools (321+ HR)

So, there you have a bunch of search engines: Test them on what kind of AI tool you are looking for, and compare their results. This search engines on AI tools provide more or less further functions like categories and several filters, so you can fine tune your AI search.

And as the results above suggest, it is a good idea to start with “There’s An AI For That”, “AI Tool Director”, or the other four which follow close. Toolify is a special case: Although it shows a very high number of AI HR tools, there is no category “Human Resources”. Instead we find there the two HR-related categories “AI Recruiting” and “AI Interview Assistant”, and AI tools regarding further HR topics like “Teams” among “Other > Other”.

And be aware of course: All this special AI HR tools that you will find can help you in your HR work, but as you know yourself, more general GenAI tools like ChatGPT can strongly support you as well – and even enable you to create your own HR AI tool!

I wish you a good week, and: Happy searching, and testing afterwards!

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?


70+ HR & People Analytics Vendors in 2024

Dear guest!

Do you as an HR leader think about implementing a new HR or People Analytics platform in your company? Or perhaps you you are running a bought or self-created Analytics system that does not fulfill actual and future HR demands anymore?

Then there is good news – and not that surprisingly when you have been in HR business some time. “To build or buy software” is the key sentence in this matter and there are many websites, guides, and consulting companies that support you with this challenge.

In the last month we at Schorberg Analytics have been researching the HR & People Analytics’ market to get an overview about data driven solutions that help reaching business and HR goals better and faster.

Our current list includes more than 70 vendors that offer more or less different tools for such tasks: big names, established names, and newcomers:

Valuable and always recommendable in chosing a HR tech partner is the work of Redthread Research and Stacia Sherman Garr (to name just one of their engaged staff members). So take a look on them!

Have a funny rest of the week!

(Note: Today starts in the Rhineland the Street Carnival where the woman take over the town halls: Altweibertag; So be aware if you wear a tie because it is in danger to be cut off.)

Stefan Klemens

PS: Do you want to exchange ideas about Human Resource Management, People Analytics, Digital Assessment, or Artificial Intelligence? Then network, send a message and/or schedule an online meeting. Or the classic way: a phone call.

And: Do you like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?