Dear visitor!
In some of my recent newsblog articles (read those here and here) I collected 32 HR tech conferences and 13+1 HR & People Analytics Conferences.
And although this seems, with almost 50 conferences, as a collection covering many important data events, it cannot be complete of course (and I did not strive for it neither).
German Data Science Days 2024
Las friday I found another conference that might be of interest for you if you are working with data, statistics, and analytics – thus in the field of data science and in the case of HR data in HR & People Analytics (more or less HR data science, but this term is not used that often):
The German Data Science Days 2024.

The conference is dated March 7 – 8, 2024, and will take place at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich). It is organized by the German Data Science Society and has happened since 2018 (the society’s founding year) each year until 2023, which sums up to six conferences by now.
The 2024 conference includes topics and speakers like:
Alexander Haag, ERGO: “Navigating the fusion of AI generations in the insurance industry with ERGO’s AI Factory”
Monica Epple & Christian Pich, Swiss Re: “Navigating the future – How Swiss Re is unlocking data to drive innovation in reinsurance”
Jasmin Weimüller & Dr. Christoph Weisser, BASF: “How is BASF enabling its workforce to use generative AI & Co – Use cases and enablement” [Human Resources!]
Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl, Universität Mannheim: “The BERD data marketpace: A platform connecting companies, universities and research institutions and fostering the collaboration in research and innovation”
Michael Herter, infas 360: “Data Science für Städte und Kommunen”
Murat Topuz, Deutsche Bank: “Fighting financial crime with data analytics”
Karin Immenroth, RTL: “Mit KI in die datengetriebene Zukunft von RTL Deutschland”
Past Conferences 2018 – 2023
And if you look closely and open the pages of the past conferences form 2018 until 2023 you will not only find the programmes of these, but also the presentations (charts, slides) of almost all speakers as a PDF to download (and in one case as a Google Doc presentation).
Here are some sessions of past conferences:
Dr. Fabian Winter, Munich Re: “Data and Analytics at Munich Re” (2023)
Dr. Heide-Gesa Löhlein & Ibrahim Gökce, Telekom: “Personalization in Telecommunications: Mission Impossible?” (2023)
Christian Most, Lufthansa Group: “The Beauty of Complexity: Decision Support in Operations Steering” (2023)
Peter Mayer, Volkswagen AG: “Applying Computer Vision at Volkswagen Group IT” (2022)
Dr. Anca-Oxana Tudoran & Manuel Jockenhöfer, ProSiebenSat.1: “Data Science in the Media” (2022)
Ralph Müller-Eiselt, Bertelsmann Stiftung: „Wir und die Algorithmen – Beziehungsstatus: kompliziert” (2020)
Dr. Sebastian Fischer, Telekom Innovation Laboratories: „Lieber künstlich intelligent als natürlich dumm” (2020)
Dr. Urs Bergmann, Zalando: „Generative models in e-commerce” (2020)
Dominik Koch, Teradata: „The Data Scientists Survival Guide: 10 things that might save your next analytical project” (2020)
Dr. Stephanie Thiemichen, TÜV Süd: „Thinking outside of the box – building reliable and scalable data analytics products” (2020)
Final words
As said above you can find all sessions and many slides of the conferences 2018 bis 2023 on the website of the German Data Science Days. So check it out!
And remember: The next edition takes place in a couple of weeks in March 2024. So you may consider to visit this exiting data science event.
I wish you a pretty start in the new week!
Stefan Klemens
PS: Do you want to exchange ideas about human resource management, People Analytics, Digital Assessment, or Artificial Intelligence in HRM? Then network, send a message and/or schedule an online meeting. Or the classic way: a phone call.
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