
Save the date: HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf – Edition 1 on 14 May 2024

Dear guest!

Between 2011 and 2018, with short breaks, I organized meetups for Business Psychologists (and in the first years for Psychologists) in Düsseldorf. These meetups were informal gatherings at a workday evening mostly at Schlösser Quartier Bohème with around 8 to 20 people who enjoyed talking to peers and exchanging experiences.

+++ Update: A have founded the “HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf” group at Meetup now: Please join if you like and come as you are: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/hr-tech-meetup-dusseldorf/ +++

HR Tech is a hot issue and a growing market, but what is missing apart those big and online conferences is a local, in-person and regular meetup for those who are working or interested in technology to support human resource management.

And as my focus was and is HR Tech and plays a crucial role today, I thought it is a good idea once again to organize local meetings to cover topics where HR Tech is fundamental or important like (Note: Some topics are obviously connected and overlapping):

  • HR Cloud, HR Hardware, HR Software, HR platforms
  • Digitization of HR processes
  • Employer Branding, Recruiting, Applicant
  • Requirement Analysis, CV, Video-Interviews, Online-Assessment
  • Talent Management
  • People Analytics, HR Analytics, Workforce Analytics, HR Data Science
  • Educational Technology (EdTech)
  • Change Management,
  • Leadership, Communication, Motivation
  • Performance Management
  • Health Management
  • Retention Management
  • New Work, Remote Work
  • AI and GenAI in HRM
  • Robotics, Chatbots, Virtual Assistants
  • Ethics and Laws (like the new EU AI Act)

According to Gartner’s “2024 HR Technology Imperatives” report, four specific areas stand out: Skills Management, Learning Experience Platforms, Internal Talent Marketplaces, and AI in Talent Acquisition.

And we can find more on their website about the state of HR Tech: “A recent Gartner survey reveals that 56% of HR leaders say their HR technology solutions and strategy do not match current and future business needs.” (Source: Gartner, 2024)

So, there is a lot of to talk about, to exchange thoughts and experiences about HR tech topics, to meet new people and get inspired! I hope you will join us on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 for the first edition of HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf! The place and further information will be announced shortly – For now mark the day and block your evening if you want to be part of a new local group.

And please like, comment, or share my post if this appeals to you, and even if you can’t join on that day. After all: Such meetings only make sense if there is a sufficient readiness to take part. Plus: If you want to host or sponsor a meeting as a HR department of a company or a HR service provider with a presentation, contact me via a personal message. Thank you!

I wish you a good weekend and are looking forward for meeting you in person.

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?


(a) Here is the link to Gartner’s 2024 HR Tech Report: https://www.gartner.com/en/human-resources/topics/hr-technology-strategy. And: Gartner on AI in HRM: https://www.gartner.com/en/human-resources/topics/artificial-intelligence-in-hr

(b) Josh Bersin Video-Presentation on “2024 Predictions for HR: Productivity, Growth, and AI”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwjfBZkXmrw

(c) A list of technologies, tools, and software for People Analytics, HR Data Science and AI in HRM I have provided here: https://www.schorberg.de/technologien-fur-data-science-ki-und-people-analytics/

Von Stefan Klemens

Stefan Klemens arbeitet als People & Digital HR Analyst und gründete Schorberg Analytics 2022. Der Diplom-Psychologe und ausgebildete Bankkaufmann ist seit 2006 im Human Resource Management mit dem Schwerpunkt Online-Assessment, Online-Befragung sowie Arbeit, Gesundheit und Persönlichkeit tätig. Zuvor war er Mitarbeiter an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal im Fachbereich Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie und Angestellter bei der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf. Seit 2020 fokussiert er sich auf People Analytics, Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz. Weiter ist er Gründer und Administrator der LinkedIn-Gruppe "Wirtschaftspsychologie Region Düsseldorf" (bis 2022 auf XING). Eines seiner Hauptanliegen ist die Verbindung von Zahlen und Statistik mit Intuition und Heuristik für bestmögliche Entscheidungen im Human Resource Management.