Event Publication

HR Tech 2024 Event Tip #2: Recruiting Analytics

+++ Post series: HR Tech 2024 Event Tips, No. 2 +++

Dear guest!

In my last newsblog and LinkedIn post I wrote about our upcoming list of 90+ events on HR tech, People Analytics, and AI – and gave an example. Perhaps you cannot wait for our final list that we will publish soon and want some more tips? Well here one comes again!

Check out this event for example:

Recruiting Analytics – Mehr Erfolg mit Daten und Insights im Recruiting
Date: 06 Feb 2024
Location: Köln, Germany [at eyeo GmbH]
Organized by: peopleIX & HR4Good
Event link: https://www.eventbrite.ch/e/recruiting-analytics-mehr-erfolg-mit-daten-und-insights-im-recruiting-tickets-778118151337

Image by the organizers on Eventbrite (embedded)

Why attend?

Marcel Rütten, a popular recruiting metrics expert in Germany (HR4Good) and co-author of the just published book Recruiting Analytics (together with Tim Verhoeven, another well-known HR data nerd) is going to hit the stage to talk about his passion. And Nick Stodt from the local People Analytics startup peopleIX GmbH will share his experience on how to turn recruiting data into insights – and a good story!

Plus: Plenty of time afterwards for networking, meeting new people and exchanging ideas on these hot analytics topics in human resource management. That is why I will be in Cologne (= Köln) on that day. And is it not a suburb of Düsseldorf anyway? 😉

Maybe you are too? Then let’s talk.

Have a nice weekend!

Stefan Klemens

PS 1: This is my second post in our series “Event tips on HR tech”. Stay tuned for more! [Check out my first post]

PS 2: Do you want to exchange ideas about human resource management, People Analytics, Digital Assessment, or Artificial Intelligence in HRM? Then network, send a message and/or schedule an online meeting. Or the classic way: a phone call.

And: Do you like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?

Von Stefan Klemens

Stefan Klemens arbeitet als People & Digital HR Analyst und gründete Schorberg Analytics 2022. Der Diplom-Psychologe und ausgebildete Bankkaufmann ist seit 2006 im Human Resource Management mit dem Schwerpunkt Online-Assessment, Online-Befragung sowie Arbeit, Gesundheit und Persönlichkeit tätig. Zuvor war er Mitarbeiter an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal im Fachbereich Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie und Angestellter bei der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf. Seit 2020 fokussiert er sich auf People Analytics, Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz. Weiter ist er Gründer und Administrator der LinkedIn-Gruppe "Wirtschaftspsychologie Region Düsseldorf" (bis 2022 auf XING). Eines seiner Hauptanliegen ist die Verbindung von Zahlen und Statistik mit Intuition und Heuristik für bestmögliche Entscheidungen im Human Resource Management.