
My event tip for today: HR Barcamp at sipgate in Düsseldorf

Dear guest!

It’s time to talk (again) about sipgate: The internet telecommunication provider founded in 2004 in Düsseldorf based on a prior comparison portal for making calls realized by students.

Since then the company has grown significantly, has now 270 employees, and is located in an extraordinary building in Düsseldorf Medienhafen. I first noticed sipgate about ten years ago while visiting it at the Night of the Museums: Which shows that the company has more to offer than High Tech, and indeed we find there a collection of art.

This year the telecommunication provider opens its doors again for this event next Saturday, 27 April, and presents a new exhibition of paintings, digital photography, and visual language. As always music vibes by a DJ and tasty food (this year: from Japan) and drinks create a relaxed atmosphere.

But let’s us come to the actual event I promised at the start: sipgate is also known for its series of public events and talks on tech, business, and HR topics labeled “Lean DUS”, which some I attended as well in the past and were always a great pleasure for me. For example I remember a female HR professional from Finland who gave us some interesting insights, or of course, the sipgate’s way of hiring: Peer recruiting.

Photo: sipgate GmbH (embedded from eventbride.de)

On June 17 and 18, 2024, however, their “Hacking HR” team Thu Pakasathanan, Carina Visser, Marit Funke, Jacqueline Rahemipour, Alena Rainer, and Ann-Kristin Hering have organized a HR Barcamp: “Two days of informal exchange, learning from each other & networking.”

Location: sipgate GmbH, Gladbacher Str. 74, 40219 Düsseldorf

More about the event: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/hr-barcamp-bei-sipgate-tickets-871775543117

I am looking forward to it – Maybe we meet there?

Note: I will put some more links at the end and I will post another exiting local HR event tomorrow – So stay tuned and connect if you like.

A sunny week!

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?


(a) sipgate at “Nacht der Museen” in Düsseldorf, April 27, 2024: https://hello.sipgate.de/veranstaltung/duesseldorfer-nacht-der-museen-2024

(b) Nacht der Museen Düsseldorf: https://www.nacht-der-museen.de/duesseldorf/

(c) Lean DUS von sipgate at meetup: https://www.meetup.com/lean-dus/

(d) Zweites sipgate Buch: “18 Work Hacks” …… für leane und agile Personalarbeit von Tim Mois & Corinna Baldauf (2018): https://www.sipgate.de/18-work-hacks-buch-personalarbeit-hr

(e) Was ist ein BarCamp? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp | https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcamp


Heute: Feiertag zur menschlich Raumfahrt!

Heute, 12. April, ist der Tag der menschlichen Raumfahrt! Und: Technologie und Raumfahrt haben viel mit Psychologie zu tun. Sei es:

  • die Auswahl von Astronauten mit psychometrischen Instrumenten (Test, Interview, Verhaltensbeobachtung/Assessment Center),
  • die Forschung zu Kommunikation, Konflikten und Isolation in mars-ähnlicher Umgebung, oder
  • die Frage, warum Menschen überhaupt in die Ferne reisen und welche Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, Emotionen und Motive dies fördern.

Auch viele Science Fiction Romane, Filme und Serien widmen sich dieser Beziehung und Fragen zur Zusammenarbeit von Computern, Robotern, Künstlicher Intelligenz mit uns Menschen auf der Erde und im All. Zum Beispiel “I, Robot” oder die Serie “Star Trek” (Raumschiff Enterprise).

Und aktuell steht ja der Mond und eine baldige erneute Landung unsere Spezies auf der Tagesordnung der NASA.

Mehr zur Frage, warum die UN den 12. April zum Tag der Raumfahrt (offiziell: International Day of Human Space Flight) erkor hier.

Als ultimativen Guide zu den Sternen empfehle ich das aktuelle Buch von Ulrich Walter (2023) “Reiseziel Weltraum”, das ich derzeit lese.

Ein fantastisches Wochenende wünsche ich!

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?


Update: HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf – New group at Meetup

Dear guest!

About a week ago I announced in a post here on LinkedIn the founding of a new group for regular in-person meetings in the local area: HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf. And a date for the first and founding edition on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

Today I have installed the new and private group “HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf” at Meetup for organizing events, connecting members, and online communication. There is also the first and founding edition. Please join our group if you work or are interested in HR tech, exchange in-person, and having a good time with foods and drinks in a nice place:


As I learned there are at least two other HR events on this date in the area or not far away, so even if you cannot participate on the first date (for whatever reason), please show your interest in further meetings by joining the group. Thus you will be also informed about our upcoming events. A note: Meetings are opened to any nationality and language, so that is why this post and group information are in English.

I am looking forward to see you soon. For now I wish you a wonderful week!

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?


Save the date: HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf – Edition 1 on 14 May 2024

Dear guest!

Between 2011 and 2018, with short breaks, I organized meetups for Business Psychologists (and in the first years for Psychologists) in Düsseldorf. These meetups were informal gatherings at a workday evening mostly at Schlösser Quartier Bohème with around 8 to 20 people who enjoyed talking to peers and exchanging experiences.

+++ Update: A have founded the “HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf” group at Meetup now: Please join if you like and come as you are: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/hr-tech-meetup-dusseldorf/ +++

HR Tech is a hot issue and a growing market, but what is missing apart those big and online conferences is a local, in-person and regular meetup for those who are working or interested in technology to support human resource management.

And as my focus was and is HR Tech and plays a crucial role today, I thought it is a good idea once again to organize local meetings to cover topics where HR Tech is fundamental or important like (Note: Some topics are obviously connected and overlapping):

  • HR Cloud, HR Hardware, HR Software, HR platforms
  • Digitization of HR processes
  • Employer Branding, Recruiting, Applicant
  • Requirement Analysis, CV, Video-Interviews, Online-Assessment
  • Talent Management
  • People Analytics, HR Analytics, Workforce Analytics, HR Data Science
  • Educational Technology (EdTech)
  • Change Management,
  • Leadership, Communication, Motivation
  • Performance Management
  • Health Management
  • Retention Management
  • New Work, Remote Work
  • AI and GenAI in HRM
  • Robotics, Chatbots, Virtual Assistants
  • Ethics and Laws (like the new EU AI Act)

According to Gartner’s “2024 HR Technology Imperatives” report, four specific areas stand out: Skills Management, Learning Experience Platforms, Internal Talent Marketplaces, and AI in Talent Acquisition.

And we can find more on their website about the state of HR Tech: “A recent Gartner survey reveals that 56% of HR leaders say their HR technology solutions and strategy do not match current and future business needs.” (Source: Gartner, 2024)

So, there is a lot of to talk about, to exchange thoughts and experiences about HR tech topics, to meet new people and get inspired! I hope you will join us on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 for the first edition of HR Tech Meetup Düsseldorf! The place and further information will be announced shortly – For now mark the day and block your evening if you want to be part of a new local group.

And please like, comment, or share my post if this appeals to you, and even if you can’t join on that day. After all: Such meetings only make sense if there is a sufficient readiness to take part. Plus: If you want to host or sponsor a meeting as a HR department of a company or a HR service provider with a presentation, contact me via a personal message. Thank you!

I wish you a good weekend and are looking forward for meeting you in person.

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?


(a) Here is the link to Gartner’s 2024 HR Tech Report: https://www.gartner.com/en/human-resources/topics/hr-technology-strategy. And: Gartner on AI in HRM: https://www.gartner.com/en/human-resources/topics/artificial-intelligence-in-hr

(b) Josh Bersin Video-Presentation on “2024 Predictions for HR: Productivity, Growth, and AI”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwjfBZkXmrw

(c) A list of technologies, tools, and software for People Analytics, HR Data Science and AI in HRM I have provided here: https://www.schorberg.de/technologien-fur-data-science-ki-und-people-analytics/


What is a “HireAbend”? A quick Review

Dear visitor!

What is a “HireAbend”? Well, I assume you don’t know unless you have been to the first one (or heard about it) – like me who joined last week on Wednesday evening March 20, the HR recruiting crowd at Ruby Carl Workspaces in Düsseldorf.

Dimitri Knysch from video recruiting company Cammio and HR journalist & moderator Cliff Lehnen invited us to this new HR event to learn and discuss with special guest Jo Diercks from Cyquest about the “Quality of Hire”: An important key performance indicator (KPI) in recruiting (or the most important according to Jo).

Around 40 people came together in this lovely location from companies like Indeed, Thalia, Rheinische Post, talentsconnect, Advance Mobility Experts, and many others.

I wanted to write a review about it, but hadn’t had the time yet – and since there is already a very nice one online by Tim Stakenborg for F.A.Z.’s Personalwirtschaft, I will spend my time for some other task regarding HR, People Analytics, AI, or Digital Assessment.

Special thanks to Dominik Rühl, Tim Verhoeven, Christian Thun, Dimitri, Cliff, of course Jo, and some others for their input and our exiting talks before and after the event. And a big thank to the organizers for hosting it, drinks and food. Next topic for the HireAbend is already in the pipeline in June 2024: Azubi-Recruiting.

I will put some links at the end of this post for more information around this first and the upcoming second edition.

To sum up, HireAbend no.1 was a great evening for me, and I suppose for all participants: 3.5 hours flew by in a flash! I hope you enjoy to learn, meeting new people and talking to business friends as much as I, and I wish you a great next event – whatever it might be!

Until soon,

Stefan Klemens

Note: The photo shows Jo Diercks highlighting the result of a study that 58% of applicants think that online tests for preselection are very or rather good in his part on quality of hire and acceptance.


PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?

(a) Link to the companies & persons involved: Cammio | Video Recruitment Experts, CYQUEST GmbH, HR podcast by Cliff Lehnen & Marcel Rütten: https://clever-und-smart-podcast.com (Note: Marcel was this time not involved in the event, but watch out for Schicht im Schacht and his book “Recruiting Analytics” with Tim Verhoeven (a review of it will follow shortly for Schorberg Analytics, so stay tuned and connect with me for information if you like).

(b) More on the next HireAbend (Azubi-Recruiting) here: https://cammio.com/de/events/hire-abend-juni/

(c) Link to the review by Tim Stakenborg: https://www.personalwirtschaft.de/news/recruiting/bewerberauswahl-das-wichtigste-ist-die-passgenauigkeit-172855

(d) For Azubi-Recruiting, the topic of the 2nd edition of “HireAbend”, I recommend strongly what u-form Testsysteme is offering: Contact Felicia Ullrich for more and check out https://www.testsysteme.de/

(e) And for information about Digital Assessment or People Analytics you might take a look on those websites too: https://www.digitalassessment.de and https://www.schorberg.de

(f) Those interested in Jo Diercks talk: Some information can be found here in his blog article: https://blog.recrutainment.de/2024/02/19/eventtipp-cammio-laedt-zum-hireabend-am-20-03-in-duesseldorf-sprechen-wollen-wir-ueber-quality-of-hire/


Tip: German Data Science Days 2024

Dear visitor!

In some of my recent newsblog articles (read those here and here) I collected 32 HR tech conferences and 13+1 HR & People Analytics Conferences.

And although this seems, with almost 50 conferences, as a collection covering many important data events, it cannot be complete of course (and I did not strive for it neither).

German Data Science Days 2024

Las friday I found another conference that might be of interest for you if you are working with data, statistics, and analytics – thus in the field of data science and in the case of HR data in HR & People Analytics (more or less HR data science, but this term is not used that often):

The German Data Science Days 2024.

Image: German Data Science Society (embedded)

The conference is dated March 7 – 8, 2024, and will take place at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich). It is organized by the German Data Science Society and has happened since 2018 (the society’s founding year) each year until 2023, which sums up to six conferences by now.

The 2024 conference includes topics and speakers like:

Alexander Haag, ERGO: “Navigating the fusion of AI generations in the insurance industry with ERGO’s AI Factory”

Monica Epple & Christian Pich, Swiss Re: “Navigating the future – How Swiss Re is unlocking data to drive innovation in reinsurance”

Jasmin Weimüller & Dr. Christoph Weisser, BASF: “How is BASF enabling its workforce to use generative AI & Co – Use cases and enablement” [Human Resources!]

Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl, Universität Mannheim: “The BERD data marketpace: A platform connecting companies, universities and research institutions and fostering the collaboration in research and innovation”

Michael Herter, infas 360: “Data Science für Städte und Kommunen”

Murat Topuz, Deutsche Bank: “Fighting financial crime with data analytics”

Karin Immenroth, RTL: “Mit KI in die datengetriebene Zukunft von RTL Deutschland”

Past Conferences 2018 – 2023

And if you look closely and open the pages of the past conferences form 2018 until 2023 you will not only find the programmes of these, but also the presentations (charts, slides) of almost all speakers as a PDF to download (and in one case as a Google Doc presentation).

Here are some sessions of past conferences:

Dr. Fabian Winter, Munich Re: “Data and Analytics at Munich Re” (2023)

Dr. Heide-Gesa Löhlein & Ibrahim Gökce, Telekom: “Personalization in Telecommunications: Mission Impossible?” (2023)

Christian Most, Lufthansa Group: “The Beauty of Complexity: Decision Support in Operations Steering” (2023)

Peter Mayer, Volkswagen AG: “Applying Computer Vision at Volkswagen Group IT” (2022)

Dr. Anca-Oxana Tudoran & Manuel Jockenhöfer, ProSiebenSat.1: “Data Science in the Media” (2022)

Ralph Müller-Eiselt, Bertelsmann Stiftung: „Wir und die Algorithmen – Beziehungsstatus: kompliziert” (2020)

Dr. Sebastian Fischer, Telekom Innovation Laboratories: „Lieber künstlich intelligent als natürlich dumm” (2020)

Dr. Urs Bergmann, Zalando: „Generative models in e-commerce” (2020)

Dominik Koch, Teradata: „The Data Scientists Survival Guide: 10 things that might save your next analytical project” (2020)

Dr. Stephanie Thiemichen, TÜV Süd: „Thinking outside of the box – building reliable and scalable data analytics products” (2020)

Final words

As said above you can find all sessions and many slides of the conferences 2018 bis 2023 on the website of the German Data Science Days. So check it out!

And remember: The next edition takes place in a couple of weeks in March 2024. So you may consider to visit this exiting data science event.

I wish you a pretty start in the new week!

Stefan Klemens

PS: Do you want to exchange ideas about human resource management, People Analytics, Digital Assessment, or Artificial Intelligence in HRM? Then network, send a message and/or schedule an online meeting. Or the classic way: a phone call.

And: Do you like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?