
5 HR Analytics Use Cases

Dear guest!

Just a brief hint in this newsblog article:

Me and Schorberg Analytics are currently working on a collection of case studies and use cases regarding People & HR Analytics / HR Data Science for our projects and clients. At the moment there are 150+ entries in our data table, and we are growing it day by day.

Therefore we are glad to get information about articles, conferences, videos and other media where such Analytics applications in HR practice are presented. Today I learn about this exiting article “5 HR Analytics Use Cases” published by HRTech Series on August 23, 2023:


Topics are:

  • Predictive Analytics for Employee Retention
  • Diversity and Inclusion Analytics
  • Workforce Planning and Optimization
  • Performance Management Analytics
  • Employee Engagement Analytics

Thanks to Andrée Laforge from IT & Business Intelligence (BI) company Syntell Inc. based in Québec, Canada, for sharing this article which helps us in this goal of building a People & HR case study database.

All the good and best wishes!

Stefan Klemens

You are interested in People & HR Analytics case studies from our data table in order to prepare a project, learn from others, or find solutions that work? Then contact me! We are glad to help you with your challenge, and provide you with relevant use cases for your specific needs and industry. Note: Shortly I will publish a newsblog article focusing on case studies and details about an online conference where two of these are presented from a public transport company and a manufacturer. So connect with me to be informed!

PS 1: You might also check out on the same website the HR Tech Interview with Chris Havrilla, Vice President, Product Strategy, Talent at Oracle.

PS 2: Want to exchange ideas on people analytics, digital assessment or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?

Von Stefan Klemens

Stefan Klemens arbeitet als People & Digital HR Analyst und gründete Schorberg Analytics 2022. Der Diplom-Psychologe und ausgebildete Bankkaufmann ist seit 2006 im Human Resource Management mit dem Schwerpunkt Online-Assessment, Online-Befragung sowie Arbeit, Gesundheit und Persönlichkeit tätig. Zuvor war er Mitarbeiter an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal im Fachbereich Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie und Angestellter bei der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf. Seit 2020 fokussiert er sich auf People Analytics, Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz. Weiter ist er Gründer und Administrator der LinkedIn-Gruppe "Wirtschaftspsychologie Region Düsseldorf" (bis 2022 auf XING). Eines seiner Hauptanliegen ist die Verbindung von Zahlen und Statistik mit Intuition und Heuristik für bestmögliche Entscheidungen im Human Resource Management.