
19 new Textbooks on HR Tech, Data & People Analytics

People Analytics in der Praxis: Mit Datenanalyse zu besseren Entscheidungen im Personalmanagement

Image: Haufe (embedded)

Basic information:

Authors: Cornelia Reindl, Stefanie Krügl
Publication date: 07/11/2023
Publisher: Haufe
Language: German
Pages: 256
Price (print): 49.99 Euro
Website: https://shop.haufe.de/prod/people-analytics

Note: A table of contents is available online and as a PDF on the website of this second edition.

About the authors:

“Dr. Cornelia Reindl is an organizational psychologist and educator and works as an internal consultant for a large corporation in Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Berlin. She advises on digitalization, knowledge management, agile management methods and people analytics pilot projects relating to leadership, communication and health management.

Stefanie Krügl is the founder and managing director of workcult.re. She works as an interim manager, consultant and trainer with a focus on agile organizational development, innovation and people analytics. She is a lecturer for Data-Based HRM at Bits University and a board member of openBIT e.V.”

Source: Publisher

Python in Human Resources: MAKING PEOPLE & DATA CLICK, BYTE BY BYTE: Revolutionizing Human Resources with Python

Image: Amazon (embedded)

Basic information:

Author: Hayden Van der Post
Publication date: 25/09/2023
Publisher: Reactive Publishing
Language: English
Pages: 127
Price (Kindle): 4.68 Euro
Website: https://www.amazon.de/Python-Human-Resources-Revolutionizing-Unveiling-ebook/dp/B0CJTRLNHW

Note: A preview of the book is available on the website.

About the author:

“Analyst. Author. Adventurer.”

Source: Instagram Profil of the author: https://www.instagram.com/hayden.vander.post

Der Weg zur Smart-Work-Experience: Die Zukunft der Arbeit zwischen HR-Tech und HR-Touch – 43 inspirierende Use Cases

Image: Springer Gabler (embedded)

Basic information:

Author: Daniel Mühlbauer
Publication date: 28/07/2023
Publisher: Springer Gabler
Language: German
Pages: 116
Price (print): 37.99 Euro (Paperback)
Website: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-67341-6

Note: The table of contents is available online on the website along abstracts of each chapter and further information.

About the author:

“Dr. Daniel Mühlbauer is an expert in HR IT solutions and deals with the sensible use of modern technologies in HR management at a major global corporation. He shares his knowledge on his blog and YouTube channel called “HR Datenliebe”. He is passionate about combining data analysis, artificial intelligence and HR tech to pave the way for the future of HR management.”

Source: Publisher

Note: The major corporation is Siemens.

Data Leaders: People Analytics: The Power of Data-driven HR

Image: Amazon (embedded)

Basic information:

Author: Mirko Peters
Publication date: 16/07/2023
Publisher: Self-Published
Language: English
Pages: 79
Price (Kindle): 4.99 Euro
Website: https://www.amazon.de/Data-Leaders-Analytics-Data-driven-English-ebook/dp/B0CC2TKBZ8

Note: The Table of contents and a preview of the books is available on the website.

About the author:

“Mirko Peters, the self-proclaimed data nerd, is an influential figure in the data and analytics industry. With a deep understanding of data literacy and a passion for data leadership, he has dedicated his career to helping companies improve their data utilization strategies.”

Source: Amazon

People and Data: Uniting to Transform Your Business

Image: Kogan Page

Basic information:

Author: Thomas C. Redman
Publication date: 03/07/2023
Publisher: Kogan Page
Language: English
Pages: 257
Price (print): 38.35 Euro (Paperback)
Website: https://www.koganpage.com/hr-learning-development/people-and-data-9781398610828

Note: A table of contents is available online on the website as well as a sample chapter for registered users.

About the author:

“Thomas C Redman is known as the ‘Data Doc’ and is the founder and President of Data Quality Solutions. Through this company he helps people and organizations think about data and data quality in new and exciting ways.”

Source: Publisher

Introduction to People Analytics: A Practical Guide to Data-driven HR

Image: Kogan Page (embedded)

Basic information:

Authors: Nadeem Khan, Dave Millner
Publication date: 03/07/2023
Publisher: Kogan Page
Language: English
Pages: 391
Price (print): 38.45 Euro (Paperback)
Website: https://www.koganpage.com/hr-learning-development/introduction-to-people-analytics-9781398610040

Note: A table of contents regarding this second edition is available online on the website as well as a sample chapter for registered users.

About the authors:

“Nadeem Khan is a futurist, speaker and consultant. Based in Lancaster, UK, he is Head of Strategy & Growth at Zosh Occupational Health Ltd (ZOHL) and the Managing Director of Optimizhr Ltd.

Dave Millner has 30 years of consulting experience working with global organizations to offer a range of organizational development solutions underpinned by people analytics, based in St. Albans, UK.”

Source: Publisher

Workforce Ecosystems: Reaching Strategic Goals with People, Partners, and Technologies (Management on the Cutting Edge)

Image: The MIT Press (embedded)

Basic information:

Authors: Elizabeth J. Altman, David Kiron, Jeff Schwartz and Robin Jones
Publication date: 11/04/2023
Publisher: The MIT Press
Language: English
Pages: 256
Price (print): 29.84 Euro, 29.95 USD (Hardcover)
Website: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262047777/workforce-ecosystems

Note: A description of the book is available on the website.

About the authors:

“Elizabeth J. Altman is Associate Professor of Management at the Manning School of Business, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Guest Editor, Future of Workforce for MIT Sloan Management Review.

David Kiron is the Editorial Director of Research at MIT Sloan Management Review and Program Lead for its Big Ideas research initiatives.

Jeff Schwartz is Vice President, Insights and Impact, Gloat, and Adjunct Professor, Columbia Business School.

Robin Jones is Principal, US Workforce Transformation Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP.”

Source: Publisher

That was it!

Remember to connect with me to stay tuned for more exiting stuff on HR tech, HR data, and People Analytics. This might be a review of one of these textbooks as I have done in German language for one already regarding Digital Assessment in HRM wich you can read here.

If you can’t wait I recommend to check out my previous newsblogs articles full of valuable information for the HR data practitioner.

For now I wish you a relaxing weekend with nice experiences!

Stefan Klemens

PS: Do you want to exchange ideas about human resource management, People Analytics, Digital Assessment, or Artificial Intelligence in HRM? Then network, send a message and/or schedule an online meeting. Or the classic way: a phone call.

And: Do you like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! ? ?‍♂️?

Von Stefan Klemens

Stefan Klemens arbeitet als People & Digital HR Analyst und gründete Schorberg Analytics 2022. Der Diplom-Psychologe und ausgebildete Bankkaufmann ist seit 2006 im Human Resource Management mit dem Schwerpunkt Online-Assessment, Online-Befragung sowie Arbeit, Gesundheit und Persönlichkeit tätig. Zuvor war er Mitarbeiter an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal im Fachbereich Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie und Angestellter bei der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf. Seit 2020 fokussiert er sich auf People Analytics, Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz. Weiter ist er Gründer und Administrator der LinkedIn-Gruppe "Wirtschaftspsychologie Region Düsseldorf" (bis 2022 auf XING). Eines seiner Hauptanliegen ist die Verbindung von Zahlen und Statistik mit Intuition und Heuristik für bestmögliche Entscheidungen im Human Resource Management.